Jul 31, 2011

Food for thought...

I've been on a bit of an equipment selling spree lately, having sold a flash, a shootsac and a black rapid strap in the last few weeks.  It felt good to get rid of some things that I thought I'd use, but never really did.  I got so caught up in the purging though that I decided I no longer needed my Nikon 60mm macro lens, since I couldnt really remember the last time I pulled it out of my bag.  I went so far as to list it for sale...  and put it on my camera to test it out and make sure all was well.  And then this happened...

and I remembered how much FUN a macro lens can be!  OMG and to think I almost let this beauty go!!!  So, just a word to the wise... be really, really sure before you sell off something you may wish you had later!

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