Sep 8, 2011

Sessions that Rock! Down on the Farm

From Sara Ancich Photography:
I recently asked readers to submit recent sessions that they felt were fun, unique or special in some way to showcase here on the blog for inspiration.  Sara Ancich wrote to me about this wonderful "down on the farm" session she recently did with three boys and I adored it!  I mean really, three boys, a farm, goats... whats not to love???  check it out for yourself...
From Sara:

"4 H Club members (2 out of 3).  Dedicated boys...All 3 of them.   Sonora High School Farm in Fullerton is their home base.  I enjoyed this hour long glimpse into their responsibilities, routine, and incredible care of their animals.  This didn't feel like a shoot, but rather a documentary of their real life.  Thank you Kilcullen Family for allowing me to tag along."

Awesome Sara... thank you so much for the inspiration!

Got a session you'd like to share?  Let me know about it at

1 comment:

sherry boles~ said...

What wonderful documentation of a piece of growing up on a farm! :)

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